Our hens, the native Portuguese breeds Pedrês and Lusitana, are the real queens of the farm! As the saying goes "A Pedrês chicken, don't kill it or give it away" or this other one: "A Pedrês chicken is worth three".

Possibly the egg production of the Pedrês and the Lusitana is not the highest and, therefore, our egg production will not be the biggest, but at least it will be the most typically Portuguese.

Thanks to the support of AMIBA, our hens are registered and tracked, thus trying to preserve our history.

Living in unique installations and enjoying total freedom, their main defenders are our Merino sheep, also an indigenous Portuguese breed, who defend them from the gaze of the protected milhafres.

As they are sensitive animals, we have placed classical music on the premises, which they recognise as a signal to gather from the forest and return back "home" at the end of the day.