It all started with the concern for my family's nutrition, without chemicals, without fungicides, without insecticides ..., without fear of eating an apple and thinking that the chemicals we are absorbing are worse than any good an apple might do to us!

We started with a small vegetable garden, making "purin de Hortigas" and "horsetail teas", elements which are used in ecological agriculture to strengthen the soil and control plant diseases.

We studied the theories of Ernest Gotsh, received training in Agroforestry and fell in love with this new way of looking at agriculture.

Today, we are proud to say that we have the largest agroforestry project in the Oeste region and 6 hectares already certified as Organic, and we continue with the same commitment to invest in the Quality of our products and our land.

In the Oeste region, the Pêra Rocha is our symbol, the queen fruit.

The Pêra Rocha do Oeste received in 2003 the Protected Designation of Origin (PDO), a European Union seal that certifies the quality and tradition of food and agricultural products. The seal guarantees that the production is made in a specific territory and that the whole process is governed by certified rules and know-how.

The speck of skin next to the stalk, known as russeting, is one of the distinguishing features of this unique variety of pear. It is not a defect, it is a feature! It is in the russeting that the sugars accumulate, which give the pear its characteristic sweetness. The percentage and concentration of russeting depends on the weather conditions varying each year.

Since 2020, Quinta da Abelheira has already had about 1 hectare of orchard certified organic.

However, we want to go further, we want to integrate the organic pear Pêra Rocha in the Syntropic Agriculture projects.

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